Weihnachtskarte 2009

SELECT ANSCHRIFTEN.ort as ‚HauptAnschriften.Ort‘,ANSCHRIFTEN.name as ‚HauptAnschriften.Name‘,ANSCHRIFTEN.postleitzahl as ‚HauptAnschriften.Postleitzahl‘,ANSCHRIFTEN.strasse as ‚HauptAnschriften.Strasse‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.abteilung as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Abteilung‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.anrede as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Anrede‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.anrede2 as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Anrede2‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.ansprechpartnernummer as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Ansprechpartnernummer‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.geschlecht as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Geschlecht‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.nachname as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Nachname‘,ANSPRECHPARTNER.vorname as ‚HauptAnsprechpartner.Vorname‘,ANSCHRIFTEN.anschriftsnummer as ‚HauptAnschriften.Anschriftsnummer‘ FROM ((KONTAKTE LEFT OUTER JOIN ANSCHRIFTEN ON KONTAKTE.hauptanschrift = ANSCHRIFTEN.anschriftsnummer AND KONTAKTE.kontaktnummer = ANSCHRIFTEN.kontaktnummer) LEFT OUTER JOIN ANSPRECHPARTNER ON KONTAKTE.hauptansprechpartner = ANSPRECHPARTNER.ansprechpartnernummer) LEFT OUTER JOIN UMSAETZEKUMULIERT ON KONTAKTE.kontaktnummer = UMSAETZEKUMULIERT.kontaktnummer WHERE ( UMSAETZEKUMULIERT.jahr > 2008) AND ( ANSCHRIFTEN.mandant IN (1) OR ANSCHRIFTEN.mandant is NULL) AND ( ANSPRECHPARTNER.mandant IN (1) OR ANSPRECHPARTNER.mandant is NULL) AND ( UMSAETZEKUMULIERT.mandant IN (1) OR UMSAETZEKUMULIERT.mandant is NULL) AND ( KONTAKTE.mandant IN (1) OR KONTAKTE.mandant is NULL)


Orld!“ Mollie exclaimed. „And that is what Mr. Latham is going to be to you. Kiss him, and tell him you mean to be good.“ Mr. Winthrop Latham and little Indian Eunice kissed each other shyly and solemnly. But in that kiss their affection was sealed. What Reginald Latham and his mother thought of the discovery of the relationship between Eunice and Mr. Winthrop Latham may be easily imagined. Eunice as his niece would undoubtedly inherit a large portion of his fortune. And how was Reginald to be provided for? Bent on the effort to conceal the relationship, Reginald and his mother had started long befo